The Harbour programme is based within a mobile building on the site of Castle Mead School in Trowbridge. The building contains a large main room which is our Harbour base and is set out as a nurturing environment for hosting in-reach sessions for families and children, our Harbour meetings, parenting courses and training sessions. The room consists of separated areas, including a sofa seating area, a designated section for sand tray conversations, an activities corner with access to a wide range of resources including construction, role play, games, music and sensory activities and a table area for art and craft activities.

The building also consists of the Art Box Cove, where our Therapeutic artist runs hers Art in Health sessions for families and children, a meeting room set out with sofas where Harbour meetings and parent meetings may take place, and a smaller meeting room for 1:1 activities or confidential meetings. There is also a small kitchen which allows us to provide drinks facilities (and often biscuits or cake!) and also designated adult and child toilets.  

The Harbour Programme
Castle Mead School
Mascroft Road
BA14 6GD