Our flow diagram helps schools to understand our processes and the different support that we can offer, either through working directly with children and families or by helping schools to reflect, review and develop working practice.

Prior to a referral, schools will use our Harbour Programme Criteria to consider whether a referral for a specific child is the appropriate way forward, or whether they would like to request support for school staff or a family. This may include a Collaborative Review, staff CPD or parenting courses.

Where a child meets our referral criteria, and with parental permission gained by the school, the Harbour team will gather more information about the child and through multi-professional discussions will consider the most appropriate way forward. Support may include our Formulation and Review process, school support and development, direct intervention or family support. Throughout a child’s journey in the Harbour this package of support will regularly be reviewed to ensure that it is having a positive impact and may change depending on the needs of the child, family and school.

Transitioning out of The Harbour Programme

Children may transition from The Harbour Programme following a discussion between The Harbour team, home school and family if any of these criteria are met:

  • The child has made progress with their social and emotional development and it is felt that they no longer require Harbour support 
  • The child has transitioned into Key Stage 2. The Harbour’s remit is to work with Early Years and KS1 children but will support children during their transition into KS2 where appropriate, and provide support over the first two terms
  • If it becomes evident that The Harbour is unable to support the particular needs of the child. In such a case The Harbour outcome provides additional information that schools and families can use to continue their own support of the child or to share with other professionals moving forward. Where it is considered that SEMH is not the child’s primary need or they require alternative specialist support, The Harbour will signpost schools to the appropriate provision that the child needs

When thinking about a child transiting out of The Harbour, we consider the following:

  • Improvements in their Thrive scores (into doing/thinking)
  • The focus of review becomes more about the child accessing learning and academic progress
  • Whether the child is accessing their classroom and curriculum, or an alternative curriculum or provision
  • If circumstances change and whether The Harbour Programme support is still the most appropriate service to support
  • A child’s strengths and needs are better understood and met by the school

If a child moves schools locally whilst being supported by The Harbour, we will offer to continue our support with the new school.