For support from The Harbour Programme to be effective, it is critical that there is engagement by schools and families in the programme. The Harbour Programme is successful when the adults involved with a child are provided with the time and space needed for reflection and planning.

Collaborative Working Expectations with Schools

Consent and initial consultation:

  • School will gain parental consent to discuss child’s strengths and needs with The Harbour team 
  • School will have an initial telephone call with a member of The Harbour team to discuss a child

Agree support and next steps:

  • School and The Harbour team will agree the type of support required 
  • Parental signed consent forms will be needed if direct support is agreed 

Commit to attend meetings and trying strategies / approaches:

  • School will enable at least two members of staff who support the child to attend The Harbour Review Meetings (which are held at Castle Mead School) 
  • School will share outcomes and strategies with wider team back at school and commit to implementing the shared plan
Share and feedback to parents:
  • Schools will regularly meet with parent(s) / carer(s) to feedback on the progress their child is making and outcomes from meetings / reviews 

Collaborative Working with Families

  • Parents / carers will be available to meet with members of The Harbour team (typically an Educational Psychologist and Harbour Practitioner) before the Harbour Formulation Meeting and before any Harbour Review
  • All families directly involved with The Harbour will be invited along to The Harbour Family Sessions based at Castle Mead School
  • If a child is accessing inreach sessions at The Harbour, parents / carers are responsible for transporting their child to the sessions and attending if agreed 
  • All families directly involved with The Harbour will be provided with contact information for a member of The Harbour team